2. DKF Oktoberfest Malgorzata Gosia February 9, 2024

2. DKF Oktoberfest


25. September 2023

DKF Oktoberfest 2023 Blends Finance and Fun in a Spectacular Event 

25th September 2023, Munich: DKF Team is excited to announce the success of the highly anticipated 2nd edition of DKF Oktoberfest. Merging the immersive experience of DKF with the festive spirit of Oktoberfest, this event promised and delivered a unique blend of insightful discussions, networking opportunities, and, of course, the vibrant atmosphere of the world-renowned Oktoberfest. 

With an afternoon agenda hosted at the Sofitel Bayerpost Munich and an evening networking session at the Schützen festzelt inside Oktoberfest grounds, peers, colleagues and guests were all excited how the event would unfold. 

James Watson of TraditionData set the ball rolling with his rousing address on ‘Distruption vs Distraction vs Innovation – What does it all mean?’. Stefan Weichert of FORRS gave valuable insight into Market Data as a Service, while a very interesting perspective was presented by Stefan Klauser of Aisot. With further discussions on Digital Assets Markets by Trever and a fireside chat by Ronald Damen and Anja Hohenacker of TRGScreen, the agenda had something for everyone in the financial services industry. 

The curated speaker and guest list ensured quality exchange of ideas against the backdrop of Oktoberfest, where attendees could enjoy discussions amongst the festivities of Oktoberfest. 

DKF Oktoberfest was one of a kind event, where one got to interact with peers, colleagues, and customers in a relaxed Bavarian festive setting. This is my first DKF Oktoberfest experience and I hope to be here again next year” said Enrico Dreßler from smartEvents. 

Seien Sie dabei!

Sofitel Bayerpost München
Franziskaner Schützenfestzelt

25. September 2023
13:00 Uhr - 22:30 Uhr

Sichern Sie sich jetzt direkt Ihr Ticket!