Networking is the focus of our events, which are rounded off with top-class speakers and current topics.

- D-A-CH Congress for Financial Information (DKF) - Financial Information, Fintech
- Münchner Finance Forum (MFF) - capital market, financial center Munich
- Capital Market Colloquium - Capital Market and Market Data in the D-A-CH Region
Trust and consistency remain the cornerstones for all transactions in the financial industry, unlike the consumer space where the end user is fickle and willing to switch with the smallest of incentives.
As categorization becomes more acute in a rapidly evolving financial industry, knowing who to trust is an issue in all industries. Anticipating industry trends to stay ahead of the competition and generate significant appropriate returns for stakeholders adds complexity. With the ever-increasing need to make new connections in order to learn from them, collaborate with them, do business and grow together, meeting the right companies is often an arduous task.
To address these key issues facing the industry, financial.com has established the Events Unit to provide a platform for industry players to foster closer relationships across the value chain. Perhaps being investors and entrepreneurs ourselves, and not just planners, has helped us curate exciting yet relevant events for our esteemed guests. With over 40 successful events and over 40,000 unique guests, we’ve been able to capture the pulse of the industry and set an agenda that has maximized goals for our beloved sponsors.
Despite our success in various event formats such as the Mega-D-A-CH-Congress on Financial Information (DKF), the Capital Markets Colloquium, the Munich Finance Forum, the Fireside Evenings and others, we still believe that we are only at the beginning of providing impactful events that combine knowledge sharing and networking for the financial community, not only for Europe but for the whole world.